Sunday, 5 February 2012

Twenty One

20 eggs, 1kg sugar, bag of flour, 750g butter, 600g icing sugar, fondant, 3 bottles of food dye, 

1 bottle vanilla extract, 200g white chocolate and some rice paper later...

...3 layers Red Velvet Cake... 

...Shortbread "Chips"...

..."Double Cheese Burger"...

... and Alex's Birthday Cake was born.

(Terrible photos but I forgot my camera :)

Friday, 3 February 2012

Final Straight

Scarily there's now only around 3 months to finish everything for our Degree Show... (18th May 2012) 

Despite spending hours and hours and hours painting away I am yet to have any finished! I am slowly getting there's still a long way to go...

Studio Space

Donuts (45.5cmx61cm)

Party Rings, Flumps, Salt &Vinger, Freddo
(all 45.5cmx61cm)

The start of 'Happy Meal' painting (30cmx30cm)

Estonia - Tallinn and Finland - Helsinki 2011

One year ago I was here...

I want to go back