Saturday, 4 August 2012

Studio Life Post DoJ

With four years of great studio space, tutors, workshops and technicians I knew that in leaving art school carrying on my practice would be a struggle. Throughout my 4th year I worked ridiculously hard at fitting in a pretty much full time job around all the mountains of uni work there was to do. So with having little life outside my job and art school I managed to save up a quite a few pennies which I am now putting towards a studio space in the newly refurbished WASPS studios!

Studio Door!

The last 2/3 months have been a mad blur of Degree Show, Graduation, moving flat, moving studio and working and with things finally starting to settle down I can start producing some work again! It feels great to be able to create art without the pressure of pleasing tutors or having to come up with a brief or reason to why you are doing everything.