Friday, 27 July 2012

Graduation 2012

On the 19th June 2012 the sun finally came out and I graduated from Dundee University with an Honours Degree in Fine Art. It was a day I was unsure I would ever see. The first three years of art school were a struggle for me in terms of the course. I had little idea of what I was doing and if I should even be there at all but in my 4th and final year things finally clicked into place for me. I knew that painting was for me and my confidence in using oils slowly grew. So although it was the toughest year it was also my most enjoyable despite many a sleepless night and rarely seeing daylight! 

To be perfectly honest I was disappointed with my final grade as I feel it did not reflect all the hard work I put in but I guess that's the thing about art - it is so subjective! I would not change the time and effort I put in for the world though as it meant that my final Degree Show was full of work I was happy to show (well happy enough being a perfectionist n all!)

So now I'm being thrown out into the Big Bad World, we'll just have to see what happens next!

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