Monday, 10 December 2012

Jewellery & Cakes

My ever so talented flatmate, friend and jewellery designer Leanne T Evans launched her new website this week for her outstanding jewellery collection. Please check it out!

One of my favourite pieces, ironically named Emily.
To celebrate her new website Leanne held a Winter themed Launch Night Party at Vanilla Ink Studios. I offered to make winter style cupcakes for the occasion and this is how they turned out... 

Melting Snowmen

'Christmas Tree' Cupcakes

I also spent hours and hours icing a rough replica of Leanne's logo onto wee square biscuits. My hands are much more unstable than I had once thought!

1 comment:

  1. You should do a new post featuring those amazing Oreo cupcakes you put on Instagram! Thought I should let you know, I've passed on the Liebster Blog Award to you and your blog. There's more info in my latest post, so go check it out! xxx
