Friday, 7 October 2011

Take Lots With Alcohol

In our first year of uni our flat attempted to make skittles vodka, it was kinda failed at tasting like skittles but it succeeded in getting us pretty drunk... But ever since then I have dreamed of creating different flavours of vodka. Last year for a friends 21st I made mint humbug flavoured vodka and, for my sister's, I made the rhubarb and custard sweets into a flavoured vodka too. They were surprisingly pretty good which was apparent when the mint humbug bottle was passed around various aunties taking swigs straight from the bottle!

It has now become a bit of a tradition and this year for Steven's 22nd I ended up making Chocolate lime flavoured vodka and chocolate lime flavoured macarons inspired by our trip to Paris and chocolate limes being our car sweet of choice.  

 Flavoured Vodka

All you need is:

Bottle of vodka
bag or two of your favourite hard sweets
coffee filters

  1. Crush up the sweets and add into the bottle of vodka (you may need to tip some of the vodka out and into your glass...)
  2. Shake and leave for a month or longer if you can wait!
  3. Filter into a sterilised bottle using the coffee filters ( may need a few attempts to get it nice and clear) 
  4. Enjoy!
Popular flavours - skittles, cola bottle, mint humbug, sherbet lemons, rhubarb and custards, jelly tots, fudge etc etc

Chocolate Lime Vodka
For my sisters birthday I made 'Black and Blue' Vodka. I adapted another Nigella recipe to make blueberry, blackberry and vanilla vodka.

Black and Blue Vodka

Makes enough to fill a 70cl plus 250ml

70cl bottle vodka
300g blackberries
200g blueberries
200g caster sugar
1 vanilla pod

1.5 litre wide necked container or jar
  1. Sterilize the wide necked container and pour in the vodka. Keep the original bottle to pour the vodka in later or use another bottle.
  2. Pour the sugar, fruit and vanilla pod in the jar and seal with the lid. Shake until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Place the jar in a cool, dark place and shake every day for a couple of weeks and once a month thereafter.
  4. After 6-8 weeks strain out the berries and vanilla pod. Then use coffee filters and a funnel to pour the vodka into a sterilised bottle.

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